Aromatherapy Associates Forest Therapy Treatment 60 Minutes

Aromatherapy Associates Forest Therapy Treatment 60 Minutes

Revitalise yourself from the stresses of modern living, purifying your body
and easing restlessness. The experience begins with a cleansing guided
inhalation and tension-releasing deep massage. A warm grounding mud
mask is then applied to recharge your hands and feet. The session concludes
by restoring tranquility to your mind with an expert scalp massage.
Choose the 90-minute option for a full-body, scalp, and facial massage,
focusing on the back, legs, abdomen, and scalp. This includes hot stone
placement, a warm mud mask for the hands and feet, and a facial featuring
exfoliation, mud mask, and pressure point massage.
Alternatively, opt for the 60-minute session with a focus on the body and
scalp, including massage for the back and legs.

From £95.00